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Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society: Program pro začínající lídry neziskového sektoru 2009

New York, USA
Centrum pro filantropii a občanskou společnost (The Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society) nabízí kurz aplikovaného výzkumu a profesionálního mentoringu pro začínající mladé lídry (do 36 let) z neziskového sektoru. Témata výzkumu, která mohou žadatelé předkládat jsou komunitní nadace, korporátní filantropie a filantropie v diaspoře. Program je komponován jak pro zástupce neziskového sektoru ze Spojených států tak pro zahraniční neziskové organizace. Stipendisté se zúčastní 3 měsíčního semináře v době od 2. března do 29. května 2009. Každý z nich obdrží měsíční stipendium ve výši 1300 USD na pokrýtí životních nákladů a nákladů na výzkum. Ubytování bude zajišťovat Centrum pro filantropii a občanskou společnost stejně jako náklady na letenku do New York City. Uzávěrka pro předkládání žádostí je 11. září 2008.

The program is open to practitioners and researchers under the age of 36. Applicants must hold a college or university degree and speak and write English fluently. Preference will be given to candidates with strong ties to a Third-Sector institution and demonstrated research skills. Traditionally, selected fellows are citizens of countries other than the United States. In 2009, the program will also include one fellow from communities of color under-represented in the grantmaking sector in the U.S.

To apply for the Emerging Leaders International Fellows Program including the US-based Diversity Fellowship, prospective candidates should submit an application package consisting of the following materials in English: a) a résumé or curriculum vitae identifying past and present employment, as well as educational experience, and including, if applicable, a list of relevant presentations and publications; b) a 3-5 page research proposal that identifies a research topic on community foundations, questions to be addressed in the research, and the anticipated methodology; and c) a statement of what the applicant seeks to accomplish during the program and how the fellowship would enhance career plans. Any overseas experience should also be described.

Please note that only research proposals that address the topics of community foundations and diaspora or corporate philanthropy will be given consideration. Proposals for US-based Diversity Fellowships must focus on community philanthropy.

To apply, prospective candidates should click here and follow the instructions.

Application materials for the Emerging Leaders International Fellows Program and Diversity Fellowship must be received no later than Thursday September 11, 2008. The selection will be made by a committee of leaders from the voluntary sector. Awards will be announced on or before Nowember 14, 2008.


Kathleen D. McCarthy
Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society
The Graduate Center, CUNY
365 Fifth Avenue, Suite 5401
New York, NY 10016-4309



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