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Baskicko hledá novátorské umělecké a vědecké projekty

Bilbao, Španělsko Výzva Improbable Connections pro umělce/umělkyně a vědce v oblasti společenských věd  k výzkumným projektům s organizacemi ze španělského Baskicka. Společným tématem projektů  by měla být inovace a společenská zodpovědnost.  Uzávěrka k předkládání projektů je 25. června 2012.
Improbable Connections
Call for artists and social researchers
to develop joint research projects with organisations located in the Basque Country (Spain)

Improbable Connections is a community of collaborative and co-creative research initiatives aimed at innovation and social responsibility. It is based on the paradigms of open innovation and the principles of interrelated fields, disciplines and individuals.

Improbable Connections fosters an environment that is able to promote transformation from the hybridisation of differences. Slow, deeper and more radical innovation backed by joint research and experimentation, as well as by values and people.

Who can participate?

Artists, creators, experimental designers and architects, software designers and social scientists interested in developing projects in the fields of innovation and social responsibility.

Both the artists/creators and social researchers can come from any discipline: visual arts, performing arts, literature, music, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, etc.

The call is open to all nationalities, places of residence or ages and you can apply individually or as a group (regardless of legal status).

For what?

The aim is not to carry out an independent process of creation/research, but to become integrated into a team and achieve, by working in a collaborative manner, results that can be converted into a prototype, device, catalogue of ideas, event, visualisation, etc.

Legal framework

The organisations choose between several options for the ownership of results, from open results with Creative Commons licenses to exclusive exploitation rights for the host organisation.


The organisatons specify their working languages. Please take into account this information when you apply.

To apply:

1_Read the participation terms and conditions.
2_Examine which companies/organizations are participating and what they want to research.
3_Fill in the application before 25 June 2012, 9:00am (Spanish time). You can submit up to a maximum of three applications; we advice you to write your proposal(s) using your own words and methodologies, calling into question both the vocabulary and content of the research that was requested and making divergent, dissonant and improbable proposals.
Deadline: 25/06/12 - 9 am
Eutokia (Centre for social innovation)
Edificio Boluetabarri
Carretera Bilbao-Galdakano 10
48004 Bilbao
tel: +34 673 608 790
(02.05.2012) ZDROJ:

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