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5h Tbilisi Film Festival

Tbilisi, Gruzie
Filmový festival v Tbilisi přijímá pro ročník 2004 filmy v termínu do 15. srpna. Festival, který byl založen v roce 1990 představuje nové experimentální a inovativní filmy širokému publiku. Letošní ročník se bude konat 5.-10. října.

Tbilisi International Film Festival was created in 2000. During two years it was a part of Georgian International Festival of Arts "GIFT". 2002 Film Festival became independet and was organazed by the Cinema Art Centre "Prometheus".

The TIFF is a non-commercial multidimensional cultural event introducing new experimental and innovative films to the wide audience. The main goal of Festival is to promote cinema art and establish contacts with professionals of cinema. Through the organization of panel discussions, round tables the festival provides debates within Georgian society about the current problems of cinema, culture and society in general.

Tbilisi Festival is the only International Film Festival in Georgia and in the region of Southern Caucasus.

The Festival has two official awards: "Golden Prometheus" and "Silver Prometheus". The International Jury consists of 5 well-known filmmakers.

Film Festival take place in three movie theatres: "Amirani", "Rustaveli" and Film House.

Festival has following main sections:
International Competition,
Forum of European Cinema,
Horizons (new films from Asia, America, Africa),
Film Schools,
New Films from Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Tbilisi International Film Festival,
Dzmebi Kakabadzeebi,
0108 Tbilisi, 
phone/fax: +995 32 995852
phone: +995 32 995893

(19.05.2004) ZDROJ: ProCulture

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