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"DOCUMENT 2" - Mezinárodní festival dokumentárních filmů zaměřený na lidská práva

Glasgow, Skotsko
Po úspěšném prvním ročníku festivalu, který se konal v září loňského roku je ohlášena uzávěrka přihlášek pro letošní 2. ročník a sice na 2. července 2004. Koordinátorky „Document 2“ - Mona Rai a Paula Larkin se zúčastní pražského festivalu Jeden svět, který se koná ve dnech 15.-22. dubna, kde mohou být kontaktovány.


Submissions are invited for the Document 2 International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival to be held in Glasgow, Scotland, on September 17-20, 2004. Guidelines and an application form are available online. The closing date for submissions is July 2, 2004.

Both Document 2 Coordinators, Mona Rai and Paula Larkin, will be attending"One World" Human Right Documentary Film Festival in Prague from 15th-22nd April. If anyone is planning on attending please get in touch, and perhaps we could meet up at the festival. For this or any other queries you may have about Document 2, mail us anytime.

Festival Information
Further to the huge success of Document 1 in September 2003, we are currently in the process of producing Document 2. The festival will run from 17th-20th September 2004. The venue remains the same as last year, but with additional screening facilities. We are now inviting submissions for this year's festival. The closing date for all submissions to Document 2 will be 2nd July 2004.

Venue and Festival Club
The UGC Cinema, situated right in the centre of town, is the tallest cinema in Europe. Within the building there are 18 cinemas. The top floor, where the Document 2 screening rooms are to be found, provides an excellent panoramic view over the city of Glasgow. This year our festival club will take over Café Mono for the duration. Café Mono hosts a wonderful restaurant, bar and record shop, and is only 15 minutes walk from the UGC Cinema. Additional screenings, performances and happenings will take place at Mono under the direction of Camcorder Guerrillas and the Ladies from The Chateau, Glasgow's most dynamic new art space.

Contact Information:
Document 2 Co-ordinators
Mona Rai & Paula Larkin
C/O Variant
1/2, 189b Maryhill Road
Glasgow G20 7XJ
Scotland UK

Paula Larkin, t: +44 (0)141 333 9522
Mona Rai, m: +44 (0)7963 476 204


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