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Festival politicky nekorektních filmů

Metelkovo, Lublaň, Slovinsko
Ještě do 10. dubna lze přihlásit filmy, videa, DVD.. na Politically Incorrect Film Festival, jehož 2.ročník se bude konat 11.-15. května 2004 v Lublani, v centru Metelkova. Cílem festivalu je budovat korektnost, která je možná pouze přehodnocením konceptu a hodnot, které jsou na hranici či překonávají diskurz politické bezchybnosti.


Eligible for participation are documentary, animated, experimental and fiction short and feature films, shot on film or video and available on DVD, CD ROM, Beta SP or VHS formats. PAL system is acceptable.


Prospective parties make a submission by sending a completed entry form, together with a preview copy of the film and stills from the film, to the following address:

Drustvo PIFF
Glavarjeva 49
SI-1000 Ljubljana

Other information about submission available on: +386-40-631121,

One submission is required for each work. Entry forms may be copied.

The festival submission requires no entry fee.


Deadline for sending submissions is April 10th, 2004 (postmarked).


All submissions must be marked as "For cultural purposes - no commercial value". Entrants are requested to inform the festival of the mailed submissions to


The selection is made by the Politically Incorrect Selection Comittee.

Authors of the selected films will be notified prior to April 25th, 2004. Selection will also be announced on the festival web page.


The Politically Incorrect Film Festival is constructing political corectness, possible only by reappraisal of concepts and merrits which border and overcome its discourse. PI-FF provokes the ones, who have a clear vision of what is ethical, correct, political,... and what not.

PI-FF therefore screenes films, discovering verges between what is legitimate and what is legal, while confronting us with individual views lost in this chasm and those which produced it. PI-FF opens the communication between the opposing fields. Together with visitors of the festival PI-FF allows opened borders of political/impolitical, correct/incorrect, which are researched by discussing the films.

The film author's point of view is limited by the borders of elementary concepts, patched together in his expression. The author can use different film forms of expression (short, feature, animated, documentary, fiction, experimental film) for capturing the contents of perception and ethics with signs of film language.

We welcome the author's courage and creativity.


PI-FF is a low budget film festival, therefore films will be projected in VHS, BETA, DVD and other video formats, although they were originally shot on 35 mm film.

The program and the means of PI-FF cross the borders of a film festival with opening new spaces for film projections. In events along the film projections the festival is spreading the PI-FF idea with other forms of expression (essays, discussions, music etc.).

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