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International Short Film Festival Cologne

Kolín nad Rýnem, Německo
filmy různých žánrů, které nepřesahují délku 30 minut očekává 7. Mezinárodní festival krátkých filmů v Kolíně nad Rýnem do 15.srpna 2004, pořádaný Kölner Filmhaus e.V.

Kölner Filmhaus e.V.
International Short Film Festival Cologne

Filmmakers from the whole world are invited to submit their films. All formats and genres are welcome!

The running time of the film should not exceed 30 minutes. The film should have been completed within the last 2 years.
The screening-print can be one of the following formats: Super 8, 16mm, 35mm, VHS, SVHS, Beta SP, DV, DVD.

The festival
During the last six years the festival has grown continually and it has been well established throughout the world.

In the last year the organizers of the festival recived more then 2 300 films, which came from 63 countries, and create a cineastically ambitious program. 60 shortfilms were running in the International Competition in 2003. Also in this year we want to represent the variety of international shortcuts. All formats and genres are covered!

Besides to the international competition several extra-programs will enlarge the festival.

(20.05.2004) ZDROJ:

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