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MadCat Women's International Film Festival

San Francisco, USA
MadCat je mezinárodní festival nezávislých a experimentálních filmů a videí, které jsou režírovány ženami z celého světa. Festival klade důraz na filmy s invencí a vizí. Koná se každoročně v San Franciscu a Berkeley v měsíci září. Termíny pro přihlášení filmů 29. března a 21. května 2004.

MadCat Women's International Film Festival

MadCat seeks provocative and visionary films and videos from around the globe that are original in their use of the medium. For women only!

The Festival is committed to showcasing women directors who challenge the use of sound and image and explore notions of visual story telling. MadCat screens works of ALL lengths and genres, about any topic and that are produced ANY year. MadCat sets itself apart from other women's festivals by curating its programs thematically and thus accepting a range of films about many different issues.

VHS 1/2" NTSC or PAL; DVD formats.

35mm, 16mm, Super8, BetaSP, Mini DV, 3/4", SVHS, VHS.

MadCat is a highly acclaimed international festival that exhibits independent and experimental films and videos directed by women from around the globe. The Festival emphasizes work that is inventive and visionary. Our annual Festival takes place at select San Francisco and Berkeley venues throughout the month of September.

Every year, MadCat seeks to find and exhibit provocative and visionary works that are original in their use of the medium. MadCat is committed to showcasing women directors who challenge the use of sound and image and explore notions of visual story telling. MadCat sets itself apart from other women's festivals by curating its programs thematically and thus accepting a range of films about many different issues.

March 29, 2004

May 21, 2004

639 Steiner Street
CA 94117 San Francisco
tel: (415) 436-9523
fax: (415) 934-0642


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   ISSN 1214-8369
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