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Mezinárodní festival filmů o umění a žijících umělcích

Asolo, Itálie
Tradiční festival s novým jménem AsoloArtFilmFestival, jehož založení spadá do roku 1973 si získal renomé koncem 90.let. Mezinárodní přehlídka, soutěž o ceny filmů, které se věnují výtvarnému umění ve všech podobách a hudbě přijímá filmy do 30. dubna 2004.

AsoloArtFilmFestival - International Festival of Films on Art and the Lives of Artists

Cinema - TV - Video - Videoart - Computer art - Productions of film schools

Asolo, Italy
Event dates: 20 - 26 September 2004

The 2004 edition of the AsoloArtFilmFestival will be held in Asolo (Treviso), Italy, from 20 to 26 September 2004. The Festival is part of the cultural tradition and a continuation of the Festival Internazionale del Film sull Arte e di Biografie di Artisti, which was set up in 1973 by the Treviso Provincial Council under the direction of Flavia Paulon and had achieved great international success over the years finally closing at the end of the nineties. Thirty years later and in the light of advances in visual languages, the Festival is now being relaunched under the name AsoloArtFilmFestival: an international showcase, and competition with prizes, of film production dedicated to the visual arts in all the variety of their expression and to the music.

The festival is subdivided into four sections:

  • FILMS ON ART for works on the visual arts and music
  • ARTISTS LIVES for works of historical reconstruction and critical interpretation of people from the world of art and music
  • VIDEOART and COMPUTER ART for works using electronic or computer technologies as a means of direct artistic expression
  • PRODUCTIONS made by recognised film schools, specialist secondary schools and universities, regarding the fields of visual arts and music

Anna Maria Cerrato is the artistic director of the Festival, which is conceived and organized by the cultural association AsoloInternationalArtFestival (A.I.A.F), a cultural non-profit association with legal personality (D.G.R. del Veneto del 18/04/03 N° 59741.03), presided over by Lionello Puppi.

Only works produced after 1 January 2002 will be admitted to the competition.
The works must come within one of the four sections which have to be specified on the entry form.
However, the judging committee reserves the right to move a film from one section to the other in case of non compliance.

The following are required for participation in the competition:

  • the completed registration form
  • a VHS or DVD copy of the work (in standard PAL)
  • a short biography and essential filmography of the film-maker/s
  • a brief synopsis of the work in Italian or English
  • at least two slides or JPEG format of sharp stills or of photos of scenes from the work, with authorisation for publication (television and press) and promotion of the Festival
  • the printed screenplay in Italian or English
  • list of music used

The above material must be sent no later than 30 April 2004, at the participants cost. The postmark will be sufficient proof for works received after this date. In the case of incomplete delivery, admission to the competition will be refused on the unquestionable decision of the organising committee.

Materials sent will not be returned, but be held in the Festivals archive as documentation.
The required materials must be sent to the address below.

Foresto Vecchio, 8
31011 Asolo (TV)
phone: 0423 520455
fax: 0423 951320


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