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Simrishamn Mezinárodní festival uměleckých filmů

Simrishamn, Švédsko
Mezinárodní festival uměleckých filmů ve Švédsku hledá do 30. června 2004 nejnovější práce mladých filmařů a studentů z celého světa.

Kulturhuset Valfisken
Simrishamn International Art Film Festival

We want to show the latest and freshest material from young artists and students from all over the world, and we'd definitely like to see YOUR latest works!

Simrishamn International Art Film Festival is a festival exclusively dedicated to art film, video art and experimental film.

Simrishamn 2nd International Art Film Festival will take place between the 14-17th October 2004 in Galleri Valfisken, an arts hall in the city of Simrishamn in southern Sweden.

During last year's festival we screened over 150 new films, from 20 different countries, and had over 1000 visitors. This year we would like to screen even more films, as well as expand our series of seminars and discussions concerning the history of experimental film, its current position, and its future.

During the festival video art and experimental films will be shown in a variety of different formats. However, we prefer that you send us your contribution in one of the following formats: DV, DVCAM, Beta, S-vhs, Super-8, 16 mm or DVD. The films will be returned to you free of charge.

To participate in the festival, send us your film(s) as soon as possible. To receive an entry form, call, e-mail, or visit our homepage, where there also is information on last year's festival;

Kulturhuset Valfisken
Linus Lindell
Järnvägsgatan 2
272 80 Simrishamn
phone: +46-(0)414-829311

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