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Media Art Preservation Conference

Amsterdam, Holandsko
Uchovávání nebo dokumentace? Konzervace nebo distribuce mediálních uměleckých prací, které představují bohatou historii umělecké praxe na křehkém médiu, jsou témata konference pořádané Holandským institutem mediálního umění dne 14. února 2005. 

Media Art Preservation Conference in Amsterdam, on the 14th of February 2005.

Preservation or Documentation? Conservation or Digital Distribution Media art works represent some of the most compelling and significant artistic creations of our time. These works constitute a rich history of artistic practice on a fragile medium. Because of their short live, technical, or otherwise variable natures and because of the variability and rapid obsolescence of the media formats, they also present significant obstacles to accurate documentation, access, and preservation. Without strategies for preservation many of these vital works will be lost to future generations.

This is why the preservation is of fundamental importance to media art, and a challenge to specialized technicians, curators and scientists in this field. The Netherlands Media Art Institute researches the recording and preservation methods for media art and plays an internationally prominent role in the development and implementation of new methods and techniques in that field.

Monday February 14, 2005 the Netherlands Media Art Institutes will offer the specialists in this field the opportunity to get a state of the art overview on the conservation and documentation of media art by presenting prominent international speakers and projects.

More information:

When you're travelling to Amsterdam for the preservation conference keep in mind the seminar, exhibition opening and battle for and about VJ culture in Amsterdam on Saturday 12

Gaby Wijers

Netherlands Media Art Institute
Keizersgracht 264
1016 EV Amsterdam
T 020 6237101
F 020 6244423

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