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Improbable connections 2011 výzva pro umělce a humanitní vědce

Bilbao, Španělská organizace Eutokia zaměřená na oblast sociálních inovací vyhlašuje výzvu Improbable conexión pro umělce/umělkyně a vědecké pracovníky a pracovnice v oblasti humanitních věd, kteří mají zájem vstoupit do spolupráce s devíti firmami, organizacemi a institucemi v oblasti Baskicka a Salamanky. Tématem spolupráce bude například hledání způsobů, nástrojů a mechanizmů k zapojení lidí a komunit do inovačních procesů; tvorba nových služeb či výzkum v  oblasti sociálních inovací a dalších. Uzávěrka přihlášek je 28. března 2011.
The international call is open for artists and social scientists to collaborate with the following nine organisations located in the Basque Country and Salamanca, as part of the 2011 edition of Improbable Connections: DeustoTech (Institute of Technology at the University of Deusto), Fagor Electrodomésticos (household appliances cooperative group), Anesvad Foundation (cooperation NGO), Germán Sánchez Ruipérez Foundation (dedicated to promoting reading), i68 Group (software engineering company), Lauaxeta Ikastola (school), Obe Hettich (furniture solutions company), Tknika (vocational training innovation centre) and Uribe Kosta (group of 10 City Councils in the Bilbao metropolitan area).

Nine organisations are participating in the 2011 edition of Improbable Connections and all except one are located in the Basque Country, with the Germán Sánchez Ruipérez Foundation located in Peñaranda de Bracamonte (Salamanca). The collaborations will be carried out between May 2011 and January 2012. The call for artists and social scientists is open until March 28 2011, 9am.

Most of the research is concerned with seeking mechanisms/channels/devices to involve people/communities in innovation processes:

within organisations:
by generating a will to innovate in teaching staff (Lauaxeta Ikastola, in the field of school education)
by devising methodologies for managing innovation and instruments to disseminate these in vocational training centres (Tknika)

within a much broader environment:
by converting users of products and services into active agents at an international level, thus transferring cooperative values from a production area (local) to a commercial area (global) (Fagor Electrical Appliances)
by achieving greater involvement from organisation members (Anesvad Foundation)
by developing shared brand projects with clients or suppliers (Obe Hettich, in the field of technology for the furniture sector)

Two other research projects are about rethinking/creating new services:
by devising a new interface for users of information systems (i68 Group, software engineering)
by rethinking the role of cultural centres in a rural setting within a cloud culture context (Germán Sánchez Ruipérez Foundation)

Finally, two organisations will carry out research in the field of social innovation based on questions of gender in one case and linguistic practice in another:
by promoting the vocation of women towards research in the field of EICTs and towards associated engineering degrees (DeustoTech)
by encouraging the use of Euskera, or Basque, among young people (City Councils of Uribe Kosta).

Eutokia (Centre for social innovation)
Edificio Boluetabarri
Carretera Bilbao-Galdakano 10,
48004 Bilbao (Spain)
T:+34 673 608 790 
(22.03.2011) ZDROJ: Eutokia
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