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Dance Omi International Dancers' Collective Program 2005

Stát New York, USA
Dvou týdenní program v době 16. - 28. srpna 2005 bude určen 10 individuálním tanečníkům z celého světa. Přihlásit se mohou choreografové, improvizátoři a tanečníci, osoby, které mají dovednosti ve všech těchto oblastech. Art Omi International Arts Center leží asi dvě a půl hodiny od New Yorku v údolí řeky Hudson. Termín zaslání přihlášek je 1. dubna 2005.

Dance Omi International Dancers' Collective Program, USA, August 2005, call for applications (deadline: 01/04/05)

August 2005 will be the inaugural year of the Dance Omi International Dancer's Collective. This unique residency will award ten individual dancers from around the world the opportunity to live and work together for two weeks in a collaborative dance Collective. An informal performance of the resulting collaborations will conclude the residency.

Dance Omi is a two week residency designed to create a collaborative environment by assembling a diverse community of ten dancers and dance-makers from around the world. During the residency, dancers use the Omi grounds as a playground for exploring the process of creating dance. Dancers have access to unlimited studio space, the Fields' Sculpture Park, as well as the entire 300 acre Art Omi property. The dancers are encouraged to collaborate by choreographing for each other, exploring different dance styles through dance improvisation, and participating in and teaching group dance classes. The residency culminates with an informal performance showcasing the results of the collaborations developed at Dance Omi.

Applicants may be primarily choreographers, improvisers, or performers, but should have some proficiency in each of these areas. Dancers of all backgrounds are welcome to apply. It is recommended that applicants do not have specific projects in mind, and are open to working together with others on jointly conceived dance projects. Residents commit to remaining for the entire residency and participating in the final concert.

The Art Omi International Arts Center is located approximately two and a half hours north of New York City in the historic Hudson River Valley. The facilities, set on 300 acres of rural farmland, include a large two-story barn with indoor studios, as well as the 150 acre Field's Sculpture Park. A swimming pool, several bicycles, and internet access are available on the premises. During their stay at Dance Omi, full room and board is provided for the residents. Selected artists must find their own travel expenses.

To apply, send all of the following materials:

  1. Contact information which includes name, mailing address, telephone, and e-mail address.
  2. Biography/Resume.
  3. Five minute cued video excerpt in VHS format. Specify your involvement to the work (ie: choreographer, performer, improviser, etc.).
  4. Letter of recommendation from a professional in your field.
  5. Write a brief description of what you can contribute to the community of artists during the Dance Omi residency.

Mail Applications to:

Dance Omi Applications
55 5th Ave. 15th Floor
NY, NY 10003

For full details of this and other programs at Art Omi, see website:

For further information direct questions to Nicole Smith at:

(03.02.2005) ZDROJ: On the Move

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