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Divadelní Workshop s Lee Breuer & Polina Klimovistakaya

Lisabon, Portugalsko
Mezinárodní workshop pro herce a herečky, který organizuje portugalské International Theatre Center povede Lee Breuer & Polina Klimovistakaya. Lee Breuer je jednou z vůdčích experimentálních režisérek v Americe. Workshop bude postaven na Wedekindově "Earth Spirit". Přihlásit se mohou skupiny, jednotlivci, (hledáni jsou 4 herci/performeři a 1 akrobat), kteří se přejí se podílet na této prestižní akci, která je plánována mezi 27. březnem a 2. dubnem 2005.

International Theatre Center, Portugal: workshop with Lee Breuer & Polina Klimovistakaya, 27 Mar - 2 Apr 2005

The International Theatre Center in Portugal announces an international workshop for actors and actresses led by Lee Breuer and Polina Klimovistakaya. This project is a very special oportunity since Lee Breuer is one of the leading experimental directors in America.

The International Theatre Center - Lisbon is a new project that is being developed over the past two years. Its main purpose is to exchange knowledge and cultural experiences in different areas of the theatre and performing arts, thus opening various possibilities of conceiving common projects, that would eventually circulate among different countries. The idea is to offer artists the possibility of exchanging ideas and developing their work in a quiet and beautiful countryside atmosphere. Each event would approach a diferent subject, general or more specific, depending on the suggestions and 'needs' of the participants.

Our first project took place in February 2004. It was a workshop led by Bruce Myers from Peter Brook's Company and was based on a version of Midsummer Night's Dream by Luísa Costa Gomes ('A Comedy of Eros'). It gathered 20 participants (actors, directors and a composer) and owing to its success, is now planning its staging for 2005 under Bruce Myers' direction.

This workshop led by Lee Breuer will be based on Wedekind's Earth Spirit and we would like to invite applications for participation by companies/institutions or individuals. We are looking for 4 actors/performers and 1 acrobat/physical theatre performer willing to participate in such a prestigious event.

General information about the workshop:

  • 6 days residency
  • 15 Actors (10M - 5W) Portuguese, English, Italian, German or French
  • 2 young directors as assistants
  • Dates: March 27 to April 2nd 2005
  • Place: 16th Century Convent by the sea (near Lisbon)
  • Language requirements: Fluent in English
  • Age range of main characters in 'Earth Spirit' (20's - 60's)
  • Costs: Trip to Lisbon + lodging and meals (300Euros) + tuition (300 Euros)

Our ultimate goal would be to develop this workshop into a production even if at this point it would be too early to commit.

Send your CV and a brief description of your motivation to:

(03.02.2005) ZDROJ: On the MOve
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