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Fabbrica Europa: In Search of a Scientific Theater - workshop

Florencie, Itálie
Workshop je určen pro mladé divadelní tvůrce a pokročilé studenty z oblasti performing arts i divadelních studií, kteří  zkoumají rozvoj vlastních tvůrčích metod a jsou zvídaví v oblasti vědy coby tématu nebo inspirace. Přihlásit se mohou i mladí výzkumníci a pokročilí studenti humanitních disciplín, které zajímá praxe reprezentace a vztahy umění a vědy. Přihlášky třeba zaslat do 20. dubna 2006.

In search of a scientific theater
an international workshop
Firenze, May 19-21, 2006

Concept and moderation:  Dragan Klaic, theater scholar and cultural analyst (Amsterdam)

With:    Kirsten Delholm, theater director, Hotel Pro Forma, (Copenhagen)
Eric Joris, performing artist, Crew (Antwerp)
Luca Ruzza, performance designer (Rome)
Valentina Valentini, performing studies scholar (Rome)

Introduction:  In the age of intensive scientific breakthroughs, coupled with much polemics and overwhelming ethical dilemmas, caused by them, theater practice rarely addresses scientific topics and relates to the symbols, methods and paradigms of the scientific inquiry. Art and science, artists and scientists remain worlds apart, separated by their education, infrastructure, policies, funding bodies, professional rituals and public gestures. This workshop is a small step towards some mutual curiosity and possible rapprochement. 3 foremost European artists - Kirsten Delholm, Luca Ruzza and Eric Joris - reveal their own scientific interests and obsessions and share their artistic processing of scientific facts, issues and puzzles to a small group of carefully selected professionals. It is an intensive, interactive, hands-on workshop where demonstrations exercises discussions will connect the contemporary performing arts practice and science in its current social and intellectual context and relationship with various key constituencies. In the closing public debate workshop results will be presented to the public and discussed in view of further possible actions bringing arts an science discourses and practices closer to each other.

                                                                                                             Dragan Klaic

A short intensive workshop that seeks to examine the capacities of the contemporary stage to respond to the dilemmas and alerts from the field of science and at the same time integrate the symbolic language, conceptual paradigms, research methods and technology of contemporary scientific pursuits in its own creative processes. 
The objective of the workshop is to reduce the current physical, intellectual and social segregation of arts and science and advance a notion of contextual and relational performance.

Working program:
From Friday 19 May noon to Saturday 20 May late evening Kirsten Delholm, Luca Ruzza and Eric Joris will demonstrate their approach to science-inspired creative processes and engage participants in practical exercises.
Intensive discussions will be introduced and lead by Valentina Valentini and Dragan Klaic.
A public debate with the workshop participants and guest scientists will take place on Sunday, 21 May at 11-13 hours.

Workshop language:

For whom:
This workshop is designed for young theater makers and advanced students of the performing arts and performance studies who seek to develop their own creative methods and are curious about the word of science as a topic or inspiration.
Young researchers and advanced students of humanist disciplines who are interested in the practice of representation and the relationship of arts and science are also encouraged to apply. Maximum 25 persons in total.

How to apply:
Per email only. The e-mail should contain a short CV and a motivation letter. To be sent to  by  20 April.
Selected candidates will be informed by 27 April.

The fee of euro 100 covers 4 meals (May 19, 20, 21) and free ticket for the performances and events of Fabbrica Europa Festival for the days 19 and 20 (reservation requested).
Fabbrica Europa will provide low cost lodging for participants who need it.

In search of a scientific theater is part of SIDEREUS NUNCIUS - Narrations between art, faith and scienceWith the support of European Community Commission? / Culture 2000 Program A project by: Comune di Pisa // CinemaTeatroLux, Pisa // Fabbrica Europa, Firenze // Fundacion para Contenidos de Creacion, Barcelona // Fundatia Dacia Film, Bucarest

Fabbrica Europa:
tel: +39 055 2638480
web: http:://

(27.03.2006) ZDROJ: OSI

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