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Inter Act 2006

Kodaň, Dánsko
Šet skladatelů/umělců pracujících se zvukem a šest vizuálních umělců bude pozváno na intenzivní pětidenní workshop, který bude zaměřený na interakce mezi hudbou/zvukem a pohyblivými obrazy. Workshop se bude konat na Roskilde University. K dispozici bude studio, vybavené auditorium, 2 komorní soubory, dva solisté, kteří budou průběžně testovat nápady a technické vybavení na produkci elektronických a elektroakustických zvuků. Umělci budou vybráni na základě projektů/návrhů projektů, které je třeba zaslat do 15. prosince 2005.

SNYK, the Secretariat for Contemporary Music
Inter Act 2006
Call for six composers/sound artists and six visual artists 
InterAct 2006 is a 5-day intensive workshop focusing on the interaction between music/sound art and moving images.
On the basis of the submitted project/work drafts the workshops' curator group will select six composers/sound artists and six visual artists who will work together in pairs during the creative process.

During the workshop, two chamber ensembles and two soloists will be available for ongoing testing of musical ideas. Equipment will also be supplied to produce the electronic and electro-acoustic sounds, as well as a number of workstations for video editing, projectors, etc.

The weeks programme will encompass a workshop, [lectures], and [concerts]. Participating composers are encouraged to propose works of their own for performance by the ensembles and soloists at concerts which will form part of the weeks programme.

The workshop will take place at Roskilde University, Department for Performance-Design, where both a recording studio and a well-equipped auditorium will be available, in addition to smaller group rooms.

Applicants can be either individual artists or teams (composer/sound artist + visual artist); individual applicants will eventually be paired by the group of curators.

Instrumentalists to write for will be participating during the week: accordion, string trio, clarinet or mixed trio: mezzo-sop.+ guit.,+ perc., electronics.

The project drafts must be submitted in writing, possibly supplemented by CDs, CD-ROMs or DVDs.

CVs should be enclosed, possibly referring to earlier works. All material should be submitted in four copies, and must be able to fit into an A3 envelope.

Fee for participation of 500 Euro (workshop, lectures, exhibitions, concerts, accommodation/meals etc. included); to be paid only when the project is accepted. 

SNYK, the Secretariat for Contemporary Music
Johanne Moller Sorensen
Grabrodre Torv 16 st
DK-1154  Copenhagen K
tel: +45 33 93 00 24 

(02.12.2005) ZDROJ: Artservis
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