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Lucern Festival Academy 2006

Lucern, Švýcarsko
Mladí a velmi talentovaní hudebníci a zpěváci mají možnost se přihlásit na letní akademii v Lucernu, která je plánována pro příští rok a tentokrát bude zaměřena i na vokální hudbu (pozváno bude i 24 mladých zpěváků). Academie bude vedena Pierrem Boulezem a sbor Danielem Reussem. V současné době právě končí úspěšná série koncertů pod vedením mistra Bouleze v rámci letošního ročníku Lucerne Festival, Sommer 2005, letošní akademie se zúčastnilo 125 mladých hudebníků ze 34 zemí. Termín přihlášek je 15. ledna 2006.

Call for good musicians! - The LUCERNE FESTIVAL ACADEMY

PIERRE BOULEZ artistic director

The LUCERNE FESTIVAL ACADEMY 2005 just ended with a series of successful concerts under the direction of Maestro Boulez. 125 young musicians from 34 countries around the world studied contemporary music and performed seven concerts in the scope of LUCERNE FESTIVAL, SOMMER 2005.

Once again, the LUCERNE FESTIVAL ACADEMY 2006 will be welcoming young and highly talented participants and offering them a great many activities in the field of contemporary music.

Another area to be specially featured in 2006 is vocal music. In addition to the instrumental nucleus, twenty-four young singers will be invited to take part in the Academy under the direction of Pierre Boulez and chorus master Daniel Reuss. Here they will study path breaking a cappella compositions from the twentieth and twenty-first century and work on music for chorus and instrumental ensemble.

Please find enclosed an electronic version of the application brochure for the LUCERNE FESTIVAL ACADEMY 2006 with detailed information about the audition process and academy repertoire and activities. May I ask you to distribute the brochures to your academic staff and especially interested and talented students?

If you like to receive posters and printed copies of our application brochure for further distribution please send us your current postal address.

The LUCERNE FESTIVAL ACADEMY 2006 will take place from August 23 - September 14. The application deadline is January 15, 2006.

Travel, accommodation and meals for active participation are covered by LUCERNE FESTIVAL.

Hirschmattstrasse 13 / Postfach
CH-6002 Luzern

Phone +41 41 226 44 00
Phone +41 41 226 44 47 (direct)
Fax +41 41 226 44 60

Order your tickets for LUCERNE FESTIVAL, PIANO 2005 (22 to 27 November) at


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