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Malmö, Art Academy - Critical Studies 2005

Malmö, Švédsko
Kurz pro postgraduální studenty: umělce, spisovatele, kritiky a kurátory, jehož cílem je překročit bariéry mezi teorií a praxí a zároveň ustanovit mezinárodní skupinu a rozmanitým zázemím. Termín pro zaslání přihlášek je 15. ledna 2005.


The course for post-graduate students: artists, writers, critics and curators.

The course aims to break down the barriers between art theory and practice by bringing together a small international group of post-graduate students from diverse backgrounds.

The course will to encourage more rather than less thinking within the artistic field, investigating how we might both produce and discuss art and will feature intensive two week seminars led by visiting professors alongside lengthy periods for individual project development.

The course intends to incite experimentation and new thinking, especially within the fields of curation, text, public space and visual art and is intended for students interested in devising their own learning environments as well as attending more structured activities.

The organisers are looking to involve the students in developing the course and its content and will expect creative feedback on its progress.

Malmö Art Academy
Box 17083
200 10 Malmö
tel.: 040-32 57 00 (exch.), 040-32 57 01 (secr.)
fax: 040-32 57 05

(28.12.2004) ZDROJ: Artservis
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