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Mobile Academy: FAKELORE - Constructions and Inventions of Urban Folklore

Berlín, Německo
Konstrukce a výmysly městského folklóru je téma workshopu berlínské mobilní akademie (30. srpna - 19. září 2004), která bude prostřednictvím přednášek, praktických úkolů, výzkumu či prezentací zkoumat některá, kritikou cupovaná hesla, která si asociujeme s folklórem: identita, autenticita, kolektivní autorství, národní hodnoty, řemeslná výroba atd. Cílem programu je zjistit jak se tato dají zavést do (uměleckého) operativního procesu a výsledkem by měly být dramata, hudební představení, reklama, jízda městem, video klipy, rozhlasové hry a další intervence do městského prostoru. Termín pro podání přihlášek k účasti je 15. června 2004.

Mobile Academy: Berlin 2004
FAKELORE - Constructions and Inventions of Urban Folklore
August 30th - September 19th

In teaching sessions, practical tasks, field research, activities, and presentations, Mobile Academy will investigate some of the critically lacerated slogans that we associate with fakelore: identity, authenticity, collective authorship, national values, handicrafts etc., and travestize them in an (artistic) operable process. The result will be dramatic scenes, musical performances, advertisements, staged tours of the city, video clips, radio plays, and interventions in the urban space.

The complete offer with all course descriptions, lectures and events you can find at our homepage:

Short preview on the programme of Mobile Academy:

Six Coucses:

Acting/ Singing/ Directing
Chen Shi-Zheng, China/ USA: How to sing a lovesong
Jossi Wieler, Switzerland: True Love, Honest Betrayal, False Death

Dance/ Hip Hop/ Artistry
Bruno Beltrao, Brasil: Urban Breaks and Dances

Camera/ Cut/ Script/ Directing
Com&Com, Switzerland: United Colours of Germany. An Advert for Germany.
Harun Farocki, Germany and Hartmut Bitomsky, USA: The Folklore of Poverty. A two-day Film Analysis in the Cutting Room

Lightning Design/ Light Engineering/ Concept Art
Mischa Kuball, Germany: Searchlight - A Process for the Uncomleted Kulturforum in Berlin.

Performance/ Directing/ Urban Studies
Stefan Kaegi, Switzerland: Short Cut. The Berlin Files.
SubREAL, Romania: Interviewing the City

Puppetry/ Acting
Neville Tranter, Australia/ The Netherlands: The Schicklgrubers
Joao Paolo Seara Cardoso, Portugal: The Mechanism of the Body
Puppetmastaz, Germany: The Punch Club.

The program offerings include group visits to performances and artists’ studios, as well as tours of the city that focus on the topic of homeland/outland, especially conceived for the students and conducted by experts on Berlin. The Mobile Academy is an international meeting place and network, a camp, and an actionistic concept operating in the city.

ARTISTS, THEORISTS and SCOUTS amongst others:
Mohammed Abdel Amine (Brandenburg Initiative for Refugees, Berlin), Lindy Annis (Director/ Performing Artist, Berlin), Isabel Barros (Dancer, Porto), Franziska Becker (Ethnologist, Berlin), Bruno Beltrao (Choreographer, Rio de Janeiro), Regina Bendix (Professorin for European Ethnology, Göttingen), Hartmut Bitomsky (Filmmaker, Los Angeles), Matthew Buckingham (Artist, New York/Berlin), Stefanie Bürkle (Urban Researcher, Berlin), Friedemann Büttner (Expert of Middle East, FU Berlin), Nicholas Bussmann (Musician, Berlin), Françoise Cactus (Musician, Berlin), Joao Paulo Seara Cardoso (Puppepteer, Porto), Neco Celik (Filmmaker, Berlin), Georgette Dee (Diseuse, Berlin), Dorothee Dubrau (Member of the local district council responsible for city development, Berlin), Harun Farocki (Filmmaker, Berlin), Bruno Flierl (Architectural Theorist, Berlin), Micz Flor (Media and Internet activist, Berlin), Benjamin Förster-Baldenius (Performing Architect, Berlin/Buenos Aires), Bettina Funcke (Author/Curator, New York),Johannes M. Hedinger (Com&Com, Zurich), Thomas Heise (Filmmaker, Berlin), Nele Hertling (Artist Programme DAAD, Berlin), Helmut Höge (Author, Berlin), Darius James (Author, New York/Berlin), Stefan Kaegi (Director, on the road), Laura Kikauka (artist, Meaford /Berlin), Merle Kröger (Filmmaker, pong, Berlin), Mischa Kuball (Lightning Designer, Düsseldorf), Lucky Kitchen (Folktronic, La Rioja), Constanza Macras (Choreographer, Buenos Aires/Berlin), Sarat Maharaj (Art Theorist and Curator, London), Wolfgang Müller (Expert of Elves, Berlin), Francis K. Onwochei (Filmmaker, Lagos), Puppetmastaz (Toygroup, Berlin), Paul Rooney (Artist, Manchester), Chen Shi-Zheng (Director, New York), SubREAL (Artists, Bukarest), Bernhard Thome (Cook, Berlin), Neville Tranter (Puppeteer, Toowoomba/Amersfoort), Sasha Waltz (Choreographer, Berlin), Marina Warner (Author, London), Dorothee Wenner (Filmmaker, Berlin), Jossi Wieler (Director, Zurich/Berlin), Willow (Dancer, Rio de Janeiro), Qian Yi (Singer, New York).

Mobile Academy: Berlin 2004
office: Hebbel am Ufer / HAU1
Stresemannstraße 29
10963 Berlin
Tel.: +49 (0)30 - 259004 65
Fax: +49 (0)30 - 259004 13

A Project by Hannah Hurtzig and Hebbel am Ufer
In Co-operation with the Akademie der Künste

Funded by the Hauptstadtkulturfonds.
Supported by a grant from: THEOREM (European association supported by the program Culture 2000 of the European Union)
Supported by additional grants from: Open Society Tajikistan, Muzeum Ljubiljana and Heinrich Böll Stiftung.
Application Deadline: 15th of June.

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