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Mobile Academy Warsaw 2006

Varšava, Polsko
Mobilní akademie ve Waršavě je zaměřená na pokročilé studenty, umělce a kurátory, kteří již mají zkušenosti s projekty. Účastníci kurzu budou vybíráni porotou a zájemci musí zaslat přihlášku nejpozději do 15. června 2006. K dispozici je několik stipendií, o které je možno požádat na krytí nákladů spojených s kurzem.

Mobile Academy Warsaw
The Mobile Academy Warsaw 2006
Aimed at advanced students and artists and curators with project experience.
The teaching language of the Academy is English. Sending in the application form (download .pdf-file 40kb) as well as examples of your artistic work and a letter explaining why you want to take part fulfils the requirements of the application.

A jury will decide on the course admissions. Up to 15 participants will be accepted per course. The application form should be sent by post to the Mobile Academy Warsaw 2006 as soon as possible, and at the latest by June 15th 2006 (and additionally by e-mail).

The Mobile Academy will notify all applicants about the success or non-success of their application by June 30th 2006. The place reserved at the Mobile Academy will only be guaranteed once the entire course fee has been credited to the Mobile Academy's account. Participants may enrol in only one of the courses and for the whole duration of the Academy.

Participation fee
The course fee for the entire three weeks is 250,- Euro / 1.000 zl. It includes one hot dinner per day, as well as lectures, work demonstrations, excursions, and visits.

For the course participants, low-priced two-bed rooms nearby are reserved especially for the Mobile Academy. The overnight accommodation for the whole period costs 310,- Euro / 1.200 zl. We can also assist you in searching for private accommodation.

The Academy is able to offer a few full or part scholarships. These may be applied for by handing in a substantiated request as well as two letters of reference or recommendation. This request must be filed together with the application

Mobile Academy Warsaw
- Application - c/o TR Warszawa
Marszałkowska 8
00-590 Warsaw
tel: +48 (0)22 425 16 34

(26.05.2006) ZDROJ: Artservis
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