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Essl Award Night

Esslova cena je určena novému umění. Esslova sbírka (Klosterneuburg) tak poprvé zaměřuje svoji pozornost na hledání mladých talentů v Chorvatsku, Slovinsku, na Slovensku, v Česku a Maďarsku. Vernisáž 10 finalistů studentů Akademie výtvarných umění v Praze proběhne v Moderní galerii Akademii výtvarných umění 23. května 2005 od 19 hodin.

Czech Republic 05

Esslova sbírka a firma bauMax Vás srdečně zvou na vernisáž u příležitosti výstavy deseti finalistů ceny Essl Award určené studentům Akademie výtvarných umění v Praze.

Vernisáž s vyhlášením vítězů se koná dne 23. května 2005 od 19 hodin v Moderní galerii Akademie výtvarných umění, U Starého výstaviště 188, Praha 7 - Holešovice.

Tisková konference se koná od 18 hodin tamtéž.

With the launch of this new art prize, the Essl Collection directs its attention for the first time to the discovery of young artistic talents in the countries Croatia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Czechia and Hungary.

The Essl Award is intended to promote young artists at the beginning of their career and will offer the prize winners an opportunity to present their work in a collective exhibition in the Essl Collection on an international level.

The Essl Award is supported by the Essl Collection and the company bauMax and is awarded this year for the first time. Students of the art academies are invited to submit from hereon works from the fields painting, photography, video and sculpture! These media also reflect the priorities of the Essl Collection.

From the entries, a prestigious judging panel selects a main prize and an acknowledgement prize, whose winners will be on display in a collective exhibition in the Essl Collection at the beginning of November. The exhibition will be accompanied by a catalogue in German and English introducing all prize winners in detail.

The Essl Collection extends through the Essl Award its intensive discussion of contemporary art : a platform has already been created successfully for the exhibition series >emerging artists<. The direct access to art, at the very moment of its creation, is designed to invite even the visitors to participate in an active discussion/reflection process.

The jury is momentarily choosing via internet 10 nominees for the Essl Award in each country. The 50 nominees will be presented here after the jury has come to a decision. We estimate that this will be possible in the beginning of May.


René Block (Fridericianum, Kassel)
Prof. Perusko Bogdanic (Academy of Fine Arts, Zagreb)
Prof. Daniel Fischer (Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava)
Jiri Sevcik, p.h. (Academy of Fine Arts, Praha)
Dr. Nadja Zgonik (Academy of Fine Arts, Ljubljana)
Prof. Agnes Essl (Essl Collection, Klosterneuburg)
Prof. Karlheinz Essl (Essl Collection, Klosterneuburg)

Ehrenvorsitz / honorary chairman: Dr. Erhard Busek (IDM - Institut für den Donauraum und Mitteleuropa / Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe) 

(19.05.2005) ZDROJ: AVU
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