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Warholova nadace granty pro spisovatele/ky píšící o vizuálním umění

New York, USA  Creative Capital a Andy Warhol Foundation Grant Program pro spisovatele podpoří spisovatele a spisovatelky, kteří se ve své práci zaměří na současné vizuální umění. Granty od 3000 USD do 50 000 USD budou uděleny v kategoriích článek, blok, kniha, nová a alternativní média a krátký formát. Uzávěrka pro předkládání žádostí o grant je 6. června 2012.
The Andy Warhol Foundation
The Creative Capital | Warhol Foundation Arts Writers Grant
for writers whose work addresses contemporary visual art

 The Creative Capital | Warhol Foundation Arts Writers Grant Program supports individual writers whose work addresses contemporary visual art through grants in the following categories:

- Article,
- Blog,
- Book,
- New and Alternative Media,
- Short-Form Writing.

Grants range from $3,000 to $50,000, depending on the needs and scope of the project.

Designed to encourage and reward writing about contemporary art that is rigorous, passionate, eloquent, and precise, as well as to create a broader audience for arts writing, the Arts Writers Grant Program aims
to strengthen the field as a whole and to ensure that critical writing remains a valued mode of engaging the visual arts.

General eligibility

To be eligible for this grant, an arts writer must be

• an individual;
• an art historian, artist, critic, curator, journalist, or practitioner in an outside field who is strongly engaged with the contemporary visual arts;
• a U.S. citizen, permanent resident of the United States, or holder of an O-1 visa;
• at least twenty-five years old;
• a published author (specific publication requirements vary depending on grant category). Please note that work published in college newspapers and undergraduate student-run publicationswill not be considered toward this requirement.

An arts writer is NOT eligible for this grant if he or she is

• applying on behalf of an organization;
• applying for a project in which his or her primary involvement will be as an editor;
• a full-time student in a degree-granting program (with the exception of those students who are simultaneously maintaining professional careers as arts writers);
• an artist writing an interpretive essay on his or her own work;
• an artist whose proposed project does NOT directly address contemporary visual art (a piece of  writing by an artist does not automatically qualify as “arts writing” in this context);
• applying to write a series of articles;
• applying to conduct a Q&A interview (or series of Q&A interviews);
• applying to assemble an archive or database;
• applying for a project on Andy Warhol;
• applying for a project that will be published by a commercial gallery;
• a grantee of the Art Writers Grant Program;
• a current employee, consultant, board member, or funder of Creative Capital or the Warhol Foundation, or an immediate family member of such a person.
Deadline: July 6th 2012
The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc.
65 Bleecker Street 7th Floor
NY 100012 New York
(09.05.2012) ZDROJ:
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